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Your annual membership fees are an important source of funding for PEC Toyama's activities.

How to join

① Please enter the necessary information in the form below and submit it.

② The application form you have submitted will be reviewed by the Representative Director, and once approved, an "Annual Membership Fee Invoice" will be sent by email or mail.

③ After we confirm that your annual membership fee has been paid to the specified account, your membership will be confirmed. Your membership card, membership benefits * , and other documents will be sent to you by mail.

*A booklet to help you understand the SDGs: "So that's what the SDGs are"


Please fill out the following form only if you are a company or organization




Platform of Environmental Citizenship Toyama General Incorporated Association

(PEC Toyama)


Address: 939-8073

34-32 Omachi, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture

Phone: 076-405-9340


Regional ESD base logo (horizontal color).png

PEC Toyama is registered as a "Regional ESD* Base."

*Education for Sustainable Development


This website was created with the support of the Japan Fund for Global Environment, an independent administrative institution, the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency (2018-2020).

© 2020 Platform of Environmental Citizenship Toyama

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